Turning Spectacles On and Off
Turning Spectacles On and Off
Your Spectacles should be charged prior to first use. To turn your Spectacles on, press and hold the right temple button for 3 seconds and release.
Once your device is booting up, you will see the Spectacles logo followed by the Snap logo before the Lens Explorer opens. If you are coming back from sleep mode you will be taken directly to the Lens Explorer.
When not in use we recommend turning your Spectacles off.
Press and hold the right temple button for 5 seconds. A timer wheel will fill to show progress. When the wheel is full, your Spectacles will power off and you can release the button.
Sleep Mode
The display and camera will go off after 10 seconds of the glasses being un-worn by default. This can be changed in your settings for a quicker, or slower, activation of sleep mode.
If you want to shut your Spectacles off sooner, hold the right temple button down for 5 seconds and release it when the status wheel is filled.
To wake your Spectacles from sleep mode press the right temple button once.
Note: You can turn on auto wakeup in the Spectacles App settings. When toggled on your Spectacles will wake from sleep mode when worn, without the need to press the right temple button. The wear sensor is sensitive, so we’ve turned this feature off by default to avoid false positives when Spectacles are in a bag or in motion.